What is a Beaker Bong?

What is a Beaker Bong?

 A beaker bong is a term that has become accepted within the world of bongs to mean a bong with a conical Erlenmeyer flask bottom. 

The term "beaker" isn't really an accurate description for the shape of the bong, but it has become by far the most common and easily recognisable term, so that's the one we will stick with.

What are beaker bongs made from?

Usually glass, but they can also be ceramic, silicone, metal or plastic. Glass is by far the most popular though.

Borosilicate (Pyrex) glass is heat resistant, non toxic, quite strong and allows you to see what is happening inside of your bong, this is what makes it the popular choice for bongs.

What are the positives of a beaker bong?

Beaker style bongs are easy to use, easy to clean and because of simpler manufacturing are cheaper than their counterparts with percolators or complex designs. 

Beakers also don't have a foot that sticks out and catches on the edge of a coffee table when you lift it and they don't have small fiddly parts that are prone to breaking. If the down stem breaks you can replace it, or if you want to try a different down stem you can.

One other thing I think is worth noting is that budget beakers work just fine, much like high end versions, where as a budget percolator bong will usually not function as well as a high end percolator bong.

Diagram of design of glass beaker bong.

What size do beaker bongs come in?

From tiny to massive! Typically though what we consider a functional size for most people is between around 28cm and 50cm high. The most common sizes we sell are 14inch and 18inch which is 35cm to 45cm. Usually the difference between a 14 and 18 inch beaker is simply the neck length, the actual chamber and down stem are usually the same size.

Size chart for glass beaker bongs at Easy Australia.

Chart showing the size difference of glass beaker bongs.

Beaker bongBongGlass bong